Membership Update

Here are some updates from SWU and allies. We will continue work from home, aside from the food box pick up & deliveries day's usually Thursday or Friday. If you need to update your membership or are not yet a member please fill out the membership form.

Community Care Mutual Aid Program SWU continues to provide between 70 - 90 boxes of produce each week. We hit a few snags in processing with our partners but are working towards making the boxes as helpful as possible. The micro-grant program funds have been exhausted resulting in being able to support 79 households with cash. In addition 90 bags of produce and around 35 starter gardens have been distributed. Garden produce is back on the rise and will be included in the weekly boxes. While this program has been immensely supportive of members, the organization is working to find a balance as, other programmatic work has begun to move at a more normal pace. A fresh stock of masks has been made by members and will be available Thursday.

Youth Leadership Summer Program will starts today. They will meet online through zoom and we are figuring out logistics for garden meet ups using community safety guidelines. Youth 13-18 are encouraged to participate in this hands on, political education program. A small stipend will be offered for youth who participate throughout the summer at the end. Contact us or visit, @swu-ylo on instagram.

Integrated Voter Engagement Program will be postponed to allow for further research and gathering of information using the current political moment. For more information or follow up contact us.

Climate Action is continuing through online engagement with CPS Energy to move towards just transition and incorporation of equity within climate policy. "New tool kit has been launched "A People's Orientation for a Regenerative Economy" The release focused on Plank 2: Justice for Black Communities, committed to divesting and investing and organizing in/with/for Black Communties for the long term. As part of the leadership team of the Rising Majority, CJA and the Black Caucus are encouraging our members to uphold Juneteenth (June 19th) as an important and historic day of Action- Popular Education, Divest/Invest and Liberation." To participate in climate action contact us.

Juneteenth Actions Update from It Takes Roots: "This week is a critical time to show up in solidarity for the defense of Black Lives. The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) has put out a call to action for Juneteenth (#SixNineteen) to mobilize digitally, in our communities, and in Washington D.C. for the weekend of June 19th-21st. Already, our sister alliance Indigenous Environmental Network and other ITR members are supporting a response to the Trump rally planned the day after Juneteenth in Tulsa, Oklahoma, site of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre.

Juneteenth is a day that honors Black freedom and Black resistance, and centers Black people’s unique contribution to the struggle for justice. This Juneteenth is a pivotal moment for our communities to show up in defense of Black lives and demand liberation from the police state and the racialized capitalist system it protects"

(Local Event) Black Futures Collective SA is hosting a community mural lighting Friday, June 19 at 8pm outside of SWU 1416 E. Commerce. You are able to drive by and view the mural.

SWU Mid-Year Planning & Evaluation Session: Monday, July 6th, 2020 11am - 12pm. We will be hosting a space to develop and shift plans for the next 6 months. The session will begin with a grounding and political moment reflection. As a members your voice is valuable in guiding the programs and how our mission is implemented. Register here.

Opportunities from networks:

GGJ Director of Communications: Calling all radical storytellers, master narrative strategists, and communications experts. The deadline to apply has been extended to June 22. Head to for full job description and to apply!

Census 2020 is hiring multiple positions locally and regionally. Flexible hours $18-$20 hr. Visit

Women's Entrepreneur Week offers free trainings for business management and over all development:

Wishing you all a powerful Summer Solstice as we give gratitude for the abundance of energy that moves and shifts our life. On the most powerful day of the year for healing and growth, I doubt its a coincidence that Juneteenth (June 19) and the Summer Solstice (June 20) follow each other.

We all miss you all fiercely. Stay Home. Stay Safe.


Youth Summer Internship Begins


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