Youth Summer Internship Begins

Description: SWU's Youth Leadership Organization (YLO) will be having an 8 week virtual program starting June 16. It will going be a different style of programming. You will need to have internet access and hoopla account to access some of the media, books required. We will touch on topics ranging from social justice issues to working within ourselves as well. The program days will be Tuesday-Friday. Tuesday, and Friday will be virtually in zoom. Thursday will be the only day we will see each other in the office to do our food box donations or work in the garden.

Safety: Wear a mask at all times. Wash your hands often. Practice 6ft distancing. Use disinfectant after handling or delivering boxes. If you are not feeling well, do not to come in. Our goal is to keep our community safe.

Report Back: Week 1 began with an orientation to get to know each other and a discussion on the political climate. The topic of discussion was the movie 13th and a discussion on They See Us. Finally the week ended with the youth learning and supporting the mutual aid program. We distributed 75 produce boxes with fresh food to our members.

Week 1 Resources:

Watch Movie 13th:

Registration is still open click HERE!


Community Care Program Update


Membership Update