Comadre Economies
Comadre Economies is the movement to dream of systems based on love and corazón, instead of profits and exploitation.
Comadre Economies is a project based at Southwest Worker’s Union in 2016 in collaboration with our Trabajadoras del Hogar En Accion - Domestic Workers in Action Union while discussing the history of women exploring and creating their own financial systems to sustain themselves and their communities. These financial models were often created out of a trust between individuals or groups such as a family, partners, cooperatives or close friends. We know this term in spanish speaking circles as a “comadre.” Trust between comadres challenges the larger systems of patriarchy and capitalism that have often left women and LGBTQ persons in the margins to survive solely by the means of their own ingenuity. Historically many women and queer persons around the world have been integral pieces of market culture, and have helped build up villages and towns with their crafts, textiles and produce among other goods such as services.