Membership Meeting Report Back

A mist a global pandemic, our members came together to touch base on the rapid response work SWU conducted as well as garner conversation on future needs. This was the first online membership meeting SWU has conducted. Our work is rooted in bringing people together, as we learn and shift on how that happens, we will continue to provide spaces to guide our work forward. The voices of our members is what defines our work and we wanted to create a space that was healing based and focused on identifying where we need to be.

The primary discussion was on how SWU can shift in the future. A particular need that was uplifted was spaces for healing, health information, and political education to ensure growth and grounding.

Stay informed become a member to participate in future meetings and stay informed on social justice issues.

Click here to read the powerpoint from the meeting.


Membership Update


Workers United Will Never Be Defeated!