Youth Leadership Organization 2023 Summer Internship Recap

YLO Summer Internship was composed of 5 chosen interns. They applied and we went through their applications. We hosted the internship in our trailita, we met up on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 4 p.m.

Week 1 as always is a very awkward week. Everyone came from different parts of San Antonio. We did a lot of icebreakers. In hope that it would break that awkwardness. We introduced SWU's mission and values. They got to go through the intern handbook and agenda. We aimed to give the interns as much information as we could. We played lots of games but also spoke about our backgrounds and the things we like to do. Lots of similarities and connections.

Week 2

We provided knowledgeable skills on consent and healthy relationships. We tied the connections that climate justice has on our bodies, and instilled advocacy. Especially with the current political climate, we are in and how they impose the colonial systemization. We had a planning meeting for our Back 2 SWU event that we host every year. In the meeting we talked about, school supplies for elementary, middle, and high school. Activities we wanted to do during the event and food.

Week 3- We took a trip to the San Antonio Museum of Art and interns got to see art. They carried an art notebook to sketch any art that inspired them. Some of them also posed with art as well. Interns also helped unload fans for the fan distro that we were going to have later on in the evening.

Week 4- We gave our interns time off. For staff retreat purposes.

Week 5- The YLO interns met up with Fuerza Unida for a collaboration. We took a trip to South Side Lyons Park were we enjoyed the weather and some delicious food. Took a hike in the park and got to see different native plants and see some spider webs. The hands-on activity we did was the ribbons of hope. Were both youth groups written aspirations, hopes, and dreams on a ribbon. We later on tied to a tree so that the air can take it up into the sky and manifest the written aspirations. Teaching youth to manifest is a powerful tool and we hope they continue to use it in their life.

The next workshop we discussed was about food systems, famine, and how GMO companies keep us sick. We did a KWL method. We asked the interns what they knew, WANT to learn, and what they learned. Many of them didn’t know what GMOS were, food desert or famine. We showed them how to read a nutrition label and always read ingredients.

Week 6-

In this week we discussed the toxic pollution that swarms San Antonio. We went through a toxic tour presentation. In the prezi , we went through key locations in San Antonio thst have cause great damage. We also went over the community victories. There was a particular zine we used that spoke about community power and eco-pledges that we should be doing in our everyday life. Interns also got to draw out a map of their community and see where they live and locations that were close by to them in good ways or bad ways. The YLO interns also helped out in our Community Day on Juy 16th. Interns got the chance to speak with our members and help organize the food distribution bags. The interns were very helpful and quick to learn about the importance of the community day.

Week 7-

Every year we take an annual summer camping trip. We went to Garner and had a blast. We took a guided hike with a Texas park Ranger where we learned about the golden-cheeked warbler and how they travel to Garner to nest because they can only use the Ashe Juniper tree that was found there. We got to climb up high and see the beautiful hill country. We stayed fresh by swimming in the Frio River, The state park offered a watercolor painting activity, we painted for a while and it was a perfect activity to relax and enjoy the view of Old Baldy. Thank you to Sandra and Diana who accompanied us.

Week 8

Final week of our programming- We prepared for our Back 2 SWU event. We went out to buy all supplies and full-up totes with supplies. We went over roles for the event and last-minute things that we needed to do before our event. Read more about our Back 2 SWU event here.


What Food Sovereignty Means to Us at SWU


Back to SWU: August 5, 2023