Springing 2019

We opened our space to youth to come out and work from the Corazon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday from 3:30-6pm. We went together to the MLK March. It was long but it was nice to march as a collective. With Society of Native Nations, Martinez Street Womens Center and Carrizo Comecrudo. We later on shared a nice warm meal and played some movies.

Our spring, consisted of Spring Break Glo-Up . The youth came to the Movement Gallery where we had 15 youth be apart of the programming. We spoke about environmental racism. How the military has contaminated a lot of areas here in San Antonio. From the southside to the east side. With everything that was happening in Venezuela. We went ahead and watched the Revolution will not be Televised documentary. Understanding how coups go into countries and end up damaging the people. Where they'd rather support big companies and private entities to be rich. Sulema with Metro Health came out and also showed us a quick easy healthy snack. Was a mix of jicama, pineapple, orange and avocado. With an olive oil lemon tajin mixture. Many of the youth enjoyed it but were skeptical of the avocado mixed with sweet fruit. They learned how to peel a pineapple and cut jicama. We ended the Spring Glo-Up with a trip to Friedrich Wilderness Park. About 45 minutes away from San Antonio. Where we went on a mental outdoor nature hike. The hike,is for us to work on our self care. The exercise and views help our brain deal with anxieties we carry. It is important and beneficial that youth have the chance to work on their self-care. To feel better.

In May, the YLO collaborated with La Trabajadoras del Hogar en Accion. We hosted a Mothers Day Event for our members on May 11th from 12 pm-4 pm. In this celebracion. We had about 50 people come out and enjoy some pampering. We offered manicures, hair do's, and makeup to our mommas. It also gave us time to have a one-on-one with our momma members. Talk about the current campaigns and also develop a more deep connection with them.

Throught the spring we had bi-weekly Elote Wednesdays. Where we engaged with the community over a corn in a cup. We spoke about our current petitions, and events happening at Southwest Workers Union.


Organizing Beyond Election Day


May 1st Community Fair