Southwest Workers Union Statement on Ferguson


Nov. 25, 2014                                                           


Southwest Workers Union stands in solidarity with the people of Ferguson and the family and friends of Michael Brown. On Nov. 24th  the Ferguson grand jury announced their decision not to indict a white police officer for the killing of Michael Brown, an African American teenager.

We know that the decision not to indict Darren Wilson was unjust but how do we target the roots causes of a violent police system? What happened in Ferguson more than three months ago was violence against a black man based on skin color and societal stereotypes. Yes violence is everywhere but the level of violence that is perpetuated varies based on skin color, gender, sex, age and whether you are able or not. SWU recognized that his was a specific anti-black action of violence which is perpetuated and supported by the current legacy and statehood we live in.

We must think about how our communities are not new to police violence and the US was created off the backs of people of color. How black, brown and indigenous people have been killed, abused, raped, skinned and sold with the help of the law all in the name of capitalism. While certain terms and phrases have been changed we still live under that same law, which is based on racism. In Ferguson 9 out of the 12 jurors were white people in a case involving racism as a base.

As we reflect on these past years we have seen, countless of actions, protests, media articles, testimonies and community meetings around Ferguson that have re-surfaced the reality that the current system was not developed to actually create justice for people but to continue to protect those with power. What has changed is people realizing that enough is enough.

Now more than ever we need to move forward with intentional change of the current racist system that is in bed with capitalism. We must challenge the current system while building the community we want to see based on culture, education, peace, dignity and justice for all.

Ferguson is tired, Ayotzinapa is tired, Jacksonville, FL is tired and we are ready to unite to fight for liberation in our community.

We invite the San Antonio community to come together in solidarity with the people of Ferguson today, Nov. 25th at 6:30pm in front of the Bexar County Courthouse located at 300 Dolorosa. This will be a non-violence direct action that will include many families, women and elders, we urge participants to respect our community.

#unite2fight #enoughisenough #liberation





Todos Somos Ayotzinapa – We are all Ayotzinapa