Looking Forward to 2023 in the Garden

As we close out the year, we can reflect back on all our challenges and accomplishments. 2022 proved to be an uncertain year for the Roots of Change garden but, also, a year that showed we can thrive in any space. While we didn't grow as many crops as previous years, we did grow and foster many connections with community members, volunteers, and like minded spaces and gardens. We worked hard to foster a relationship with the local Free Fridges and Pantries around town by delivering harvested crops and veggies. We also were able to build connections with other growers of color by interviewing and highlighting local Black gardeners during Black History Month. Overall we were able to bring in 57 volunteers this year! Of that group, we were able to have 10 volunteers become regular and recurring faces in the garden.

Next year we hope to increase these numbers and continue to have successful workdays and community events. We also hope to continue container gardening as construction continues on our garden space and Southwest Workers Union (SWU) building. Goals for next year would include: increasing our reach on social media, having more consistent communication with our members, growing crops each season, and having more themed workdays in the garden.


Climate Colectiva: Quarter 4


Energy Generation while Protecting the Planet