Immigration is a Climate Justice Issue

Southwest Workers Union demands justice for all incarcerated persons and a humane approach to immigration and for immediate unification of asylum seeking families detained at the border. The continued crisis happening in Texas is nothing new, the urgency that the issues have directly reflect the legacy of colonization of our lands along the Rio Grande and other so called borders. Migration is a human right, and the United States has has continued to punt the ball on real solutions for migrating persons for several generations now. We demand just immigration policy, the end of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the prosecution of human rights violations.

The continued militarization of the border is an environmental justice issue that will continue to impact land, water and wildlife irreversibly. Trump’s border wall and the increase in Border Patrol have continued to use a red herring of terrorism to continue to not only disrupt the lives of bi-national communities, but also impact traditional lifeways of people who have existed in there homes for millennia. The impact of western violence began in 1492. As white supremacists continue to proclaim their presence in the federal government, communities of color will continue to carry the emotional trauma of defending our family members.

The current administration has selected multiple dangerous spaces for their internment camps, including flood plains, tent cities in deserts, and toxic superfund sites. We don’t want detention centers in cleaner locations; we call for the abolishment of migrant detention now. How can this country justify the placement of children in tents in 120 degree weather in Tornillo, TX? One only has to drive to Karnes County to see the family detention center built in the middle of several fracking wells, that leave the victims of sloppy Immigration policy to inhale the toxic fumes released by the extraction of natural gas. The Rio Grande Valley has recently dealt with record flooding, which has impacted resources, attention, and continues to highlight the problems of mass incarcerations of our most vulnerable.

We stand in solidarity with our allies who have continued to be denied access to bring supplies and emotional support to the detained youth. Private prison companies are reaping the benefits of the poor immigration policy for many years. Private prison companies in Texas have purposely placed their prisons in rural areas to provide jobs to communities residents who have limited options on agriculture impacted by extreme drought. Like a virus, the money spreads to the people who depend on the prisons for the jobs, while municipal governments make revenue of the detention of people through taxes, and federal grants which make it harder to stop. This is a systematic exploitation of multiple angles: resources, people and government. As we continue the push back against the current border violence we ask that you research additional grass roots organizations to continue to conversation and struggle against climate change and the imprisonment of our communities.

“In 2017 during Hurricane Harvey evacuations, Trump increased the number of Border Security to exploit natural disaster preparations as a trap to capture people fleeing the storm. This is not only irresponsible and cruel, it’s climate violence.”

On Thursday, June 28 a group of 19 members took a trip to Brownsville, about 4 hours South of San Antonio, to take part in a direct action in front of the county court house. Over 1,000 people were at the action calling an end to the deportations and a reunification of children and their families. Out of the dozens in line to enter non were able to attend the mass hearing of about 30 cases.

Now it is important to show your solidarity and visually oppose the laws and actions happening against our immigrant brothers and sisters.

  • Share Your Story on Social Media

  • Collect donations for women and children

  • Support local actions in your community

  • Call your elected officials to demand an end to ICE & family separations

  • Create community plans with your social circles and families.


Back to School & Community Health Fair 2018


South San SAISD, the Outsourcing of School Services and Layoffs