Back to School & Community Health Fair 2018

As a grassroots social justice organization focusing on community, we at Southwest Workers Union are committed to support and provide, in any way we can, resources to our community.

Our annual Back to School & Community Health Fair is just one of the many ways that we do that. We were able to collect school supplies with the help of local community businesses, Karolinas Antiques, Sunshine Bakery, Sweet Yams and La Botanica. In total we gave away over 350 backpacks filled with basic school supplies. We partnered with Bowden Eye & Health Care Center to provide immunization shots. Our Member, Sulema Mendoza from Healthy Communities provided a healthy cooking demo. Jonathan Villareal from Bibliotech provided DIY button making. Medico MD, Texas Health Steps, & Therapy 2000 also provided free information and resources to the community. Our member, Sheila Marie and community member Erica Gonzalez provided complimentary haircuts for the kids. Events like these are not only important as a resource but as way to connect with the community and share our values and work that we do all year round as well as listening to their stories and hearing about their needs and how we can support them.


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