Climate Colectiva: Quarter 3

We were fairly active in the third quarter of the year while trying to stay safe during La Canicula. To start the month of August, we had an action at City Hall calling on city officials to declare a climate emergency. We circulated a petition in support of a push for the declaration as well. You can read more about all of that here.

In late August, SWU partnered with the Climate Justice Alliance to host a Just Transition summit for the local community. We had over 30 community members come out to build relationships with each other, learn and find the various ways we can all play a role creating a healthy ecosystem. We worked to attain a deeper alignment with the concepts & framework of a just transition and how that looks in regards to the local and regional fight for climate justice. We also explored the various ways other movements such as reproductive justice, immigrant rights and food sovereignty, amongst others, are intertwined with environmental issues.

On September 26th, we held a press conference in conjunction with Environment Texas & Public Citizen to touch on some of the dangers pointed out by Environment America's new report in regards to the contamination in waterways across the US. CPS Energy's Calaveras Lake was #8 in regards to contaminants that affect the reproductive system. Several staff members provided comments in English & Spanish at the press conference.


A Look Back at August-October in the Garden 2022


2022 San Antonio Toxic Tour Tool Kit