In a world that moves so fast, there is a growing need to reconnect with our creative selves and foster a sense of community. We imagined the SWU Escuelita to be a place that not only teaches but also allows members to be informed on making better choices for themselves. The space we created allowed theme to come together, share experiences, and form lasting bonds. This was the essence of our 10-week SWU-Escuelita.

Ongoing  The Delicate Art of Cross-Stitching for the 5 weeks. 

We would meet every Wednesday from 5-8 pm. 

Our journey began with the timeless and intricate art of cross-stitching. Members delved into the world of needlework, learning the fundamentals of pattern creations, color blending, and the meditative joy that comes from crafting something beautiful with your hands. As stitches intertwined, so did the connection between members. We created a supportive and collaborative atmosphere that set the tone for the weeks to come. Members got to choose from Halloween designs and our special Save Our Schools to support the campaign. 

Crafting Soaps 

As the weeks unfolded, we entered the world of self-care. Members learned the art of soap making, exploring different scents, and creating unique bars with loofahs and dry rose petals. We also learned how to make foaming hand soap. All the ingredients that we used were organic and non-harming chemicals. 

Aromatherapy and Salve Making

Our olfactory senses took center stage. Members were very excited to learn about this. They learned the properties of essential oils, therapeutic effects, and the art of blending scents to create personal aromas. The meeting space became a fragrant haven, stimulating not only the senses but also fostering an environment of relaxation. The members' popular mix was lavender vanilla. We also made a salve and blended natural ingredients to produce soothing arnica balms. These activities not only nurtured but also empowered members to take charge of their well-being through hands-on, holistic practices. 

Creating Piñatas from scratch

The next crafting adventure led us to the vibrant world of poinata making. We first started with the messiest part which is the base. It started with a balloon and using glue (flour and water) with newspapers. Layers upon layers of glue/newspaper. We had to let it dry and do it 3 more times until the balloon turned into a hard ball. Once we had a hard rock ball, we popped the balloon and started decorating. Members selected the crepe paper they wanted to decorate their pinatas. Laughter, platicas, and food recipes were shared throughout the making of the pinatas. We finished them and many of them were amazed by the process. 

As the SWU-Escuelita reached its end. A sense of accomplishment and gratitude filled the air. Members got to showcase their creations and reflect on the new skills and the friendships formed. Our small space not only proved a platform for learning but became a supportive space where creativity flourished and connections deepened. 

We hope to have left a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of all who attended. 

PDF download is available for all recipes offered.


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