YLO Hot Summer

In May, the YLO collaborated with La Trabajadoras del Hogar en Accion. We hosted a Mothers Day Event for our members on May 11th from 12 pm-4 pm. In this celebracion. We had about 50 people come out and enjoy some pampering. We offered manicures, hair do's, and makeup to our mommas. It also gave us time to have a one-on-one with our momma members. Talk about the current campaigns and also develop a more deep connection with them.Furthermore the summer was around the corner. SWU prepared for the Summer Youth Internship Program. The summer internship ran for 8 weeks at The Movement Gallery. We had a total of 15 youth interns. Ages ranged from 12-18. They learned about facilitation, culture, art, popular education. Developed good relationships with other interns and worked on their mental health. The first couple of weeks we got to learn about each other, through making and developing your own zine. We held space together where we spoke about consent. We went to an Climate Adaptation Plan action in front of the city council . Where we urged our mayor and city council to review and vote for the CAAP. We also brought up different types of youth movements throughout the nation. Like the Younglords in NYC, The Xicanx movement in the 60's who both fought for equality and civil rights. The most current ones leading globally. The Earth Guardians who have been educating other youth on climate change. During the next couple of weeks, the youth interns had to come up with a skeleton outline for the Youth Summit. The groups came up with topics they felt their peers needed to learn about. The topics ranged from consumerism, to having palabra, and to a cooking demo and garden tour. With that being in the works. The interns also supported the market square vendors . Because the city was going to decide if they wanted to go though a different route. Take the vendors out to become a more of a gentrified market. Luckily the city opposed it. Some interns also shared their observations. On the east side and how rapidly its changing. So we all surveyed the area from Hackberry to I-35 to I-10 south of 281. In our findings we saw a lot of gentrified homes and abandoned homes. Also a lot of house being reconstructed. We learned how gentrification starts and the consequences of it . We developed a conversation. Of how do we combat and protect our community from being pushed out of their homes. Interns also went out on an outreach mission. By going to youth spaces and inviting them out to the Youth Summit. Some also did a mass media outreach in the Movement Gallery. When the day came of our big event (Youth Summit). We geared up with some chants. Registration was open and it was so lively to see so many youth come out. We had a total of 75 youth come out. Our interns shared a workshop on Liberal for Likes. Which focused on people liking everything and developing fake profiles. Then later on selling them their profiles to people. Or even said they would do something for every like but didn't. So their advice was if you are going to share/like be about it and show up. The next workshop offered was a deep discussion on consumerism. Also got information from the platica. And after they had free market. Where interns and community brought clothes to exchange. And develop alternative economy. Before Lunch we had our last workshop for the Youth Summit. In the last period , the interns presented their cooking demo. In this demo. They showed a DIY recipe of Alfredo Fettuccine with broccoli. An additional dessert, a homemade funfetti cake. Followed by a garden tour led by the interns. Where they touched base on the importance of learning how to cultivate the land. Eat fresher foods. and know the process of getting your food from farm to table. We ended the youth summit with an outdoor field day. In the field day we had activities like : musical chairs, potato sack race, water bucket fill up,and spoon grape race. We also shared some enjoyable frozen snacks to keep cool. The finale, was a small dinner with interns and their families. Where they each received, an incentive and a Buffalo exchange goody bag. It had Korean treats, and buffalo exchange gift card. That was the end of our Youth Summer Internship.

In August 10th, we had our Back to School event. Where we served 90 families with school supplies and backpacks.We asked for donations, much thanks to everyone who donated! We had a fundraiser at La Botanica with a Drag King story

time with Los MENtirosos! In this event we had a lot of resources available for them. Metro Health came out and did a food demo. CPS and SAWS also came out to provide information on how to save money and pass out vouchers. Fiesta Youth also joined us. Spoke about their programming that they offer LGBTQ-Non-Binary youth. Bibliotech was here as well. Sharing how to become a hoopla member. To have access to e-library and location information. Sheila (aka wildhoneypot) offered hair cuts to the children. We also had a free clothes swap.Cafe Azteca and Cake Thieves donated some dessert to give out during the event. Mama Tierra cooked an all vegan kids meal. It felt fulfilling to be able to help all the families that came out.


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Drag Brunch & Story Time