Southwest Workers Union Phone Banking Promotorx Campaign

This year, Southwest Workers Union set to reinvigorate the successful work of the Nuestra Voz campaign. Nuestra Voz, in the past, has helped tip the electoral scale and contacted thousands of people through block walking and phone banking to help get democratic leaders in office, reminded voters of voting rights and obstacles in the voting process, and urged community members of the importance of being counted for the census as well as gave rides to the polls.

With the help of a grant from the Integrated Voter Engagement Program, Centro Por La Justicia was able to staff four part-time phone bankers to engage in direct voter contact with the community. With this phone banking campaign, promotorxs, with the aid of the Voter Access Network, were able to make 6,900 dials into congressional district 23 over a three week period. These phone calls were specific to the Latinx community. These phone calls were three pronged: to invigorate the Latinx voting base, to remind voters of the upcoming March primary and finally, to patch through supporters of a Clean Dream Act to Congressman Will Hurd (R). During the three week campaign, promotorxs reached 350 voters, and reminding them to go out and vote and of their polling location, and they also patched through more than 100 voters directly into Hurd's office, demanding a Clean Dream Act Now.


SWU 30 Years: International Workers Day 2018


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