La YLO Botanica

In the times of covid. We couldn’t go back to doing our annual fright nights. So we decided to focus on working in the Roots of Change garden. Integrating self-care products for our debut as the YLO Botanica. In the Comadre Economies Pop-Up Shop. We had 12 youth interns who applied to our program via Google Forms.

Our program lasted 5 weeks. Starting on October 9th-November 6th 2020. We would meet on Fridays for 2 hours. In the moments that we met. We followed safety regulations. Where everyone wore masks and washed their hands before preparing the items.

We’d split into two groups and rotate. We ended up planting kale and medicinal herbs in their specified plots. We also cleaned up the garden and started filling the garden with more mulch. It was a great feeling being outside and getting something done.

The second rotation group would work on half a batch of our products. In the first week, we worked on creating Epsom bath salts. We used fresh dry red roses and cempasuchil (marigolds) to create it. In the second week, we made four different types of sugar scrubs. Added essential oils and citrus juices. Each youth got the chance to take an exfoliator home to try out. Our sugar scrubs ranged from. Baby rose scrub, minty grapefruit, zesty lemon, and pumpkin spice. We also made aromatherapy room sprays. Our products promoted self-care.

In honor of Day of the Dead, we focused on remembering the black lives lost this year and made a window altar. With flowers from the Garcia Street Farm. We used a ton of yellow and orange cempasuchil. It was a beautiful altar. If you passed by it shined through the outside. With the leftover cempasuchil. We made more Epsom bath salts and sugar scrub in large glass containers. To emphasize being more eco-friendly. Thinking about reusing and reducing our carbon footprint. So if you came to check out our Comadre Economies Market and brought your own glass. We’d gladly fill up with products.

During this programming we wanted youth to learn about caring for the land. Also having a safe space to build together.

On our final internship day, we closed out with Sanarte holding down a healing circle. We also shared a meal together. Celebrating the end of our fall programming.

We want to give a special thanks to Garcia Street Urban Farm, Evergreen Garden, and the Roots of Change Garden Co-Op!


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