Just Transition Mixer & Workshop

Just Transition is a framework for environmental justice organizing based in labor rights movement. It is an approach that honors the needs of working families as we move away from the extractive capitalism to a regenerative economy of our own design.

On September 26, SWU facilitated a journey through the Just Transition Framework, which we helped develop historically and has now been the main frame of SWU’s commitment to environmental justice in San Antonio and South Texas. As we continue to expand on what we know is hurting is, we also need to build deeper solutions that build the community we want to exhibit. In this event, we had several allies come through to not only expand on what Just Transition means from a planning perspective, but to share the wisdom of their own community lead campaigns.

Real solidarity around Just Transition requires community trust, we must do better building coalitions and sharing information while at the same time not erasing the work of the organizations who helped frame conversations as such. During this event we also shared the journey of our Roots of Change Community Garden and Co-Op, which came out of a victory of blocking fuel storage tanks in the Eastside. The Roots of Change Garden has now become an important piece of our organizing work, representing the stop the bad, build the new model and expanding the connections of building healthy relationships with the land. Stay connected as a member for more opportunities to dissect Just Transition as it connects to our land and our selves.

For a copy of the Just Transition principles, follow the link: >> HERE <<


SWU Statement on the SA Climate Ready Plan


A Just Recovery for the Gulf South & beyond