Here WE Go Again! #GOTV Fall 2020

ABOUT: For the fourth consecutive year, Centro Por la Justicia, also known as Southwest Workers Union will be activating the Voter Engagement Program intended to get out the vote. This year, amid a global pandemic! In the past, the integrated voter engagement program has connected community members to national, state, and local municipal pushes around voting, health, equity, environmental justice, immigration, workers rights, municipal accountability, city council district social justice forums and community fairs. Historically, we’ve done this through phone banking, door-to-door neighborhood canvassing and community events. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our efforts will be maintained strictly through remote (work from home) and digital spaces in order to stop the spread of the virus.

This moment gives us an opportunity to work more creatively and flexibly as we adapt and navigate not only to the pandemic but the continued attacks on Black, indigenous, people of color brought forth by white supremacist, colonial, patriarchal, heteronormative and systemic racist institutions, corporations, government officials and every day people.

SWU organizes within the political framework to push forward policies rooted in our collective liberation, equity and social justice--against the fascist, white supremacist and racist institutions who occupied stolen land and enslaved Africans to build and found what we know as the United States today--and without/outside of the colonial governmental entities who have failed to meet community's basic needs. Instead, we rely on each other to defend, uplift, and protect one another through a just recovery, mutual aid, comadre economies and a just transition that respects the traditions and cultures of communities in an effort to decolonize, reindigenize and build new cooperative economies. The phone banking campaign is only a snapshot of the collaborative work that goes into Southwest Workers Union.

REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have a social security number or an employee identification number, have access to the internet, be able to commit to working the entirety of campaign (sept. 14- oct 4), have previous experience working or volunteering in grassroots campaigns, know how to use the Voter Activation Network (VAN), or be a fast learner and live in Bexar County.

AGREEMENTS: Upon accepting phone banking position, voter engagement phone bankers will attend a virtual training and campaign overview to become acquainted with each other and the campaign. Phone bankers will agree to the flexible work schedule but must manage their time appropriately in order to meet and track daily hours worked (2 hours) and weekly call goals. Work integrity and honesty are paramount. We ask that you have mutual respect and practice radical honesty.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Phone banker is responsible for managing their schedule and commitment to the campaign agreements and goals.

GOALS: Turn out the vote and increase voter turnout. Phone bankers are tasked with connecting with voters in San Antonio so they may commit to vote on November 3, 2020, be it by mail, absentee, curbside or voting “safer” in person during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, phone bankers will provide voting dates, times, sites and reminders for voters. Phone bankers will also Survey voters on local policy & budget initiatives rooted in abolition & energy democracy as we build momentum for municipal elections in 2021.

COMPENSATION: A total of $630 will be paid to each individual phone banker for the completion of the 21-day campaign, totaling 45 cumulative hours worked. This translates to $15 per hour to be paid for 15 hours weekly.

Contact Anacua Garcia at for more information. If you do not have a gmail account send question answers and resume to anacua.


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