CPS Energy Rate Hike Proposal

(We will continue to update this as we have more information)

Despite CPS Energy having a year in which their year-to-date net income is $82.3 million as of the end of July 2023 and fresh off a rate hike for it’s customers just a little over a year and a half ago, CPS Energy is pushing for another rate hike without taking any public input.

As 20% of CPS Energy’s residential customers are unable to keep up with their energy bills, many facing disconnection, CPS Energy is eyeing a 5.5% rate increase before the end 2023, with plans for another rate hike of 5.5% by 2026.

We know that another rate hike will negatively affect populations that are already struggle to survive and ask that all rate hike halt until there is a public engagement process and a consumer advocate that ensures rate payers have a voice in the city.

SWU along with our coalition partners have, been working together to halt and address the current structure that benefits the top business polluters while disconnecting residents who cannot pay.We know that another rate hike will negatively affect populations that are already struggling to keep the lights on. We are organizing against rate hikes until there is robust public engagement and rates designed to encourage conservation from the heaviest users while protecting the most vulnerable.

This year SWU ran a CPS Voucher program and a Fan Distribution for our members for a total of 114 households benefiting from the mutual aid effort. We did this to support and ensure our members are able to keep the lights on.

Another issue that was brought up to us was the lack of support for construction worker safety, our organizers are working to address and build a base of workers affected by this issue.

Helpful Links:

Kens 5 Article on the 2021 Rate Hike: https://www.kens5.com/article/news/investigations/eyewitness-wants-to-know/san-antonios-utilities-supervisor-recommends-cps-energy-rate-hike-to-city-council/273-a9d25d98-1d92-49bb-a273-54f751ec7cbf

Consumer Advocate Digital Tool Kit from Climate Justice SA

Upcoming Events:

October 11, 2023: Rate Hike Teach In for organizations or groups of people wanting to start organizing.

RSVP Here.


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