We want to thank all the members who came out to pachangar last night!! No matter what the outcome, we were going to celebrate. The SA Climate Ready vote had been delayed twice while the business community, lobbyists and leadership at the utility companies tried to disrupt the outcome of the plan in their favor ( a non-passing vote). Community allies spent several years working on this plan, and were giong to celebrate that because organizers of color are never afforded a moment to rest and celebrate their own hard work.

The real victory of the SA Climate Ready Plan is the community action taken to get us here, and the work needed to get us to a more climate equitable future beyond 2019. We are thankful to La Botanica for hosting us and BrukOut for DJing an amazing cumbia set that kept everyone celebrating the victory of passing vote on the SA Climate Ready Plan.



SWU Returns to Cuba


SWU Statement on the SA Climate Ready Plan