Black History Highlights: Eve

It was a chilly January day when I met Eve in her garden. Since buying a house on the East Side of San Antonio, Eve and her partner have cultivated a makeshift garden filled with kitchen staples like herbs and onions. An avid home cook, Eve grows foods and crops that she can use in the kitchen-saying herbs have been her favorite crops to grow so far.

Unlike our other highlighted growers, Eve does not garden or farm professionally. She is a dog groomer by trade but took the opportunity that having a backyard provided and planted what she could-learning as she went. This has quickly grown from a hobby to a way of life as Eve hatches chicken and quail eggs and grows her gardening space.

Rooster calls fill the air as we talk about Eve's plans for this year's garden. She excitedly tells me how they plan to grow a few kinds of berries for preserves and jams. She goes on to talk about the magic of gardening and how she often marvels at how much flavor is in the crops she's grown herself from seed. Eve and her partner have created an oasis in a neighborhood that has historically been a food desert. Their backyard chicken coop and garden tell a story of food sovereignty as she explains how she wants to eventually be able to trade and share with neighbors. Thank you to Eve for sharing her story as we highlight Black history in the making.


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