30 Years of Fuerza Unida!


Today our movement elders were honored by the City of San Antonio for 30 years of labor justice organizing by their members, many immigrants, many local and many of our them our grandmothers, mothers, tias and sisters who were exploited by Levi’s. There are no words to describe the love and respect we have for these organizers and are grateful in the shared history of SWU & Fuerza Unida. This made today all the more emotional. These are our elders, this is what people power can create. We are grateful to them and all the former employees of Levi’s who challenged capitalism and are here to tell us 30 years later another world is possible.

“En 1990, Levis Strauss Co. cerró tres de sus fábricas en el Southside de San Antonio. La primera fábrica, en la cual trabajábamos nosotras, cerró sin previo aviso a los 1,150 trabajadores. Formamos la exitosa organización sin fines de lucro, Fuerza Unida, la cual trabaja con ex-trabajadores de Levi's y sus familias. Nuestra comunidad no ha olvidado lo que pasó aquí en 1990 y en los años de lucha después del cierre de la fábrica.”

* * Fuerza Unida is currently raising money for their 30th anniversary to continue their sewing cooperative and youth program, please honor them with a donation at Fuerza Unida. * *


2020 Voter Engagement Promotorx Campaign Begins


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