2020 Membership Open House Report Back

On February 1, 2020 Southwest Workers Union hosted our first member meeting of the year to discuss the political moment we're navigating as well as look over the work plan to see where members felt the most excitement and energy to organize. We started off with an amazing vegan breakfast by SWU staff, and shared a video featuring Selene Garcia of SWU's Youth Leadership Organizing (YLO) filmed for Climate Justice Alliance sharing the words of frontline youth fighting for a better tomorrow for us and the next seven generations of life.

- Youth Organizing -

"We've been the ones affected. Our communities, low-income Black/Brown communities have been affected since slavery, since colonization, since the genocide of Indigenous peoples. We keep on fighting." - Selene Garcia, Southwest Workers Union @swujustice @ylo_swu

For more information on youth organizing in CJA check click here: Youth Organizing for Climate Justice

* * To find out more information on SWU's YLO Spring Glo Up happening during Spring

Break March 9-11, 2020 please contact Yvonne Hernandez, YLO Organizer at yvonne@swunion.org or follow the YLO Instagram (@ylo_swu) for updates on youth organizing events. Application for Spring Glo Up opens February 14th. * *

- Global Grassroots Justice Alliance -

From here we heard a report back from Diana & Anacua on the political moment the global community is facing through our alliance work with Global Grassroots Justice Alliance.

For more information on what Global Grassroots Justice Alliance is building click below:

Global Grassroots Justice Alliance

- 2020 SWU Work Plan & Important Dates -

Members broke into groups to overview work plans and goals for 2020, members self organized into 5 groups: Creating Spaces to Build & Solidarity, Clean Food & Healthy Environment, Leadership Development and Civic Engagement to discuss direction of things they want to see at SWU and campaign focuses we should highlight. This was a great space to remind folks the depths of our work, often times people only want our anger in public spaces. However a real Just Transition plan is also about community transformation. A sustainable, thriving and autonomous community founded on justice, dignity, healing and restoring balance con la Tierra. Join us at our monthly meetings to learn more about membership and to continue building a transformative movement in San Antonio.

SWU Members you can view the notes & upcoming important dates > > HERE < <

* * * Next SWU Member Meeting Sat March 7, 2020 at 11am * *


SWU Launches Community Care Program


2020 Voter Engagement Promotorx Campaign Begins