2019 Climate Justice Alliance National Gathering - Albuquerque, NM

Diana and Beto represented SWU at the 2019 Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) National Gathering in Albuquerque. It was an amazing opportunity to reconnect with our national allies and share updates on the SA Climate Ready Plan process and different campaigns in our community as part of our work as a flagship Our Power Community of CJA. We started the journey connected with Tewa elders and language immersion program were children are relearning their indigenous language as well as community values and cultural practices. During our time together we expanding on whats happening on the ground across the globe, including indigenous voices from the Amazon speaking out against the fires, organizers from Puerto Rico and their recovery work after Hurricane Maria and Afro-Brazilian organizers fighting the white nationalist movement once again spreading through Brazilian politics that lead to the murder of activist, Marielle Franco. Among these conversations we held space for each other through cultural exchanges, sharing stories, song as after hour dinner platica with Kawaika Congresswoman Deb Haaland (NM-1), who came to meet with indigenous environmental organizers and share her support for a just transition inside a Green New Deal. We also spent our time building up regional approaches to organizing and voting on direction for the overall work of the Climate Justice Alliance, votes can be found below.

Also during this gathering SWU’s Beto was selected to represent Southwest Workers Union and San Antonio as part of CJA’s Our Power Community Interim Committee helping to craft a more focused approach towards Our Power Communities in CJA’s leadership structure and need for support for grassroots environmental justice organizations.

For a snapshot of votes and self governance, check out the link below:

<< HERE >>

For more information on our work as members of Climate Justice Alliance:

>> HERE <<


District 2 Social Justice Candidate Forum


San Anto vs. Globalization